
作者:王缙 朝代:宋代诗人
LI Yu – Lyrics to the Melody of Congratulations to the GroomFrom the gold burner scatter twirls of smoke in seal *,Deep in a hangover I am, in the shade is the courtyard in the afternoon,The hall is quiet and undisturbed.Where are those noblemen in search of fragrant verdure?There are only willow catkins drifting over the paths.On a jade pillow, slowly I sober become,Beyond the screen scatter the remains of blossoms after spring has passed,Steeped in tedium, I'm weak and weary from the wine I drank.Messy is my hair, though for now I don't feel like combing it.I shall not dwell on what happened in the Yangtze's south,I've travelled from place to place in search of his whereabouts,Unfortunately stray wild geese(...)
yuán qù huá shēng huó zài nán sòng chū qī ,sù lái yǒu zhì huī fù ,“jì dāng nián ,xié zhǎng jiàn ,mì fēng hóu ”(《shuǐ diào gē tóu 》)。dàn tā yī shēng zhī zài hú nán shàn huà 、lǐ xiàn 、shí shǒu děng dì dān rèn guò dì fāng guān ,ér qiě wéi (...)
liù 、qī zhāng wéi dì sì céng ,zhí jiē miáo xiě le jǔ jiā yàn yǐn shí xiōng dì qí jí ,qī zǐ hǎo hé ,qīn qíng hé mù ,qín sè hé xié de huān lè chǎng miàn 。dì qī zhāng “qī zǐ ”yǔ “xiōng dì ”de duì zhào ,bāo hán le shī yì de dì jìn :“qī zǐ hǎo hé ,(...)
(1)wéi zhì píng sì nián qī yuè rì :jí (...)
LI Yu – Lyrics to the Melody of Congratulations to the GroomFrom the gold burner scatter twirls of smoke in seal *,Deep in a hangover I am, in the shade is the courtyard in the afternoon,The hall is quiet and undisturbed.Where are those noblemen in search of fragrant verdure?There are only willow catkins drifting over the paths.On a jade pillow, slowly I sober become,Beyond the screen scatter the remains of blossoms after spring has passed,Steeped in tedium, I'm weak and weary from the wine I drank.Messy is my hair, though for now I don't feel like combing it.I shall not dwell on what happened in the Yangtze's south,I've travelled from place to place in search of his whereabouts,Unfortunately stray wild geese(...)
【bú kě jiǔ shì 】zhè shì shuō ,yǐ qián méi yǒu tíng zǐ ,wú xiū xī zhī dì ,bú néng zhǎng jiǔ dì xīn shǎng 。
àn tōng cháng zuò fǎ ,hòu èr jù sì yīng guī jié dào xī bié zhī qíng 。dàn shī rén què jiāng yǎn qián qíng jǐng tuī kāi ,“yì jun1 yáo zài xiāo xiāng yuè ”(“xiāo xiāng yuè ”:yī zuò “xiāng jiāng shàng ”),yǐ “yì ”zì gōu lè ,cóng duì miàn shēng qíng ,wéi háng rén xū gòu le yī gè jìng jiè :zài bú jiǔ de jiāng lái ,péng yǒu yè bó zài xiāo xiāng (xiāo shuǐ zài líng líng xiàn yǔ xiāng shuǐ huì hé ,chēng xiāo xiāng )zhī shàng ,nà shí fēng sàn yǔ shōu ,yī lún gū yuè gāo zhào ,huán jìng rú cǐ qī qīng ,háng rén kǒng nán chéng mián ba 。jí shǐ tā zàn shí rù mèng ,liǎng àn yuán tí yě huì yī shēng yī shēng chuǎng rù mèng jìng ,lìng tā shuì bú ān tián ,yīn ér zài mèng zhōng yě bǎi bú tuō chóu xù 。shī rén cóng shì (yuè guāng )tīng (yuán shēng )liǎng gè fāng miàn kè huà chū yī gè diǎn xíng de lǚ yè gū jì de huán jìng 。yuè yè bó zhōu yǐ shì huàn jǐng ,mèng zhōng tīng yuán ,gèng shì huàn zhōng yǒu huàn 。suǒ yǐ shī jìng pō jù jǐ fèn méng lóng zhī měi ,yǒu zhù yú biǎo xiàn chóu (...)
“xī yuè ”liǎng jù 。cǐ shī kāi piān ,jiù yǐ “xī yuè zhēng róng hé zhuàng zāi ”de tū fā chàng tàn ,xiě huá shān de xióng wěi ,qǐ shì hóng yuǎn tū wū ,jiē zhe biàn zhǎn xiàn dēng shān yuǎn tiào suǒ jiàn dào de huáng hé zhī xióng zī 。jiē zhe sì jù xiě huáng hé 。xiān xiě hé de chù shān dòng dì de xiōng yǒng péng pài zhī shì ,jì xiě hé de jí liú pán xuán chéng wō ,shēng rú jù léi ,zuì hòu xiě hé shuǐ zài yáng guāng xià ,fǎn yìng chū càn làn huī huáng de sè cǎi ,bìng bǎ tā hé rén de mìng yùn lián xì qǐ lái 。chū rén yì wài de shì ,shī rén duì huáng (...)
qiǎo nìng zài qián xī ,xián zhě miè xī 。







王缙 王缙王缙(700-781),字夏卿,本太原祁人,后客河中,唐代诗人,尚书右丞王维之弟。少好学,与兄王维,俱以名闻。举草泽文辞清丽科上第,历拜黄门侍郎,同中书门下平章事,终太子宾客。文笔泉薮,善草隶书,功超薛稷。大历十年(775年)元载所撰唐赠兵部尚书王忠嗣碑,为其所行书。卒年八十二。王缙遗作不多,散文只有表、碑、册等体,意义不大,诗作与王维的风格相似,具有一种平淡清新之美。事迹收录于《金石录》《唐书本传》《述书赋注》。



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